Contoh Pidato Perpisahan Sekolah Menyentuh Hati Bahasa Indonesia-Jawa-Inggris Singkat, Mudah Dihafal Anak SD

- 25 Mei 2022, 19:19 WIB
Ilustasi pidato - Berikut ini contoh pidato perpisahan sekolah bahasa Indonesia-Inggris singkat yang mudah dihafal anak SD, semoga bermanfaat
Ilustasi pidato - Berikut ini contoh pidato perpisahan sekolah bahasa Indonesia-Inggris singkat yang mudah dihafal anak SD, semoga bermanfaat /

Assalamualaikum Warrahmattuloh Wabarakatuh

Whom we respect,

Mr. Principal of SD Negeri 3 Jaya Mulya

The teachers of SD Negeri 3 Jaya Mulya

Ladies and gentlemen, guardians of all students

And our friends

Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has bestowed His mercy on us all. Today we gather together to celebrate a beautiful farewell.

First of all, we would like to thank the teachers who have guided, educated, and taught us science for the past six years. May Allah SWT always repay your services.

We take this opportunity to apologize for all the mistakes we have made while studying at this school, for our behavior that might make the teacher upset or angry. We hope that you will always forgive all of our mistakes.

For our brothers and sisters who are still continuing their education at SD Negeri 3 Jaya Mulya, we, your brothers and sisters, just want to tell you to continue studying, study hard, and always respect the teachers at this school. Obey their good advice.


Editor: U. Hadi


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